- Related consultation
- Submission received
Does the role of industry need to be strengthened or expanded across the VET system? Why/why not?
- What does industry engagement mean to you?
- How can industry be encouraged to connect with and use the VET system? What does this look like?
- Are there any roles for industry in the VET system that are not covered or outlined in the case for change?
Gain industry insights into the development of qualifications Keeping abreast of emerging trends in the industry Exposure of new business models, technology, innovations, etc. which can be incorporated in training package qualifications. Meaningful conversations and other forms of engagement with industry experts, who have currency in knowledge, skills and experience in a specific industry. Spend money on extensive marketing to all parts of industries (all parts within large and SME employers). Support employers to understand the VET system, its benefits and their role in it.
Are you aware of the current industry-leadership arrangements led by the Australian Industry and Skills Commission?
How effective are the current industry engagement arrangements in VET in meeting your needs?
- What works well and what could be improved? How could it be improved?
- How well are you (or your organisation) represented by these arrangements?
- How well do current arrangements allow collaboration across industry sectors on common workforce and skills needs?
Industry representatives on the IRCs need to be working in the industry and have extensive contacts within the industry, not only their own organisation. They need to have the ability and desire to engage with a wide and various selection of employers and employees who work in different roles. We deliver a wide range of qualifications from HLT, BSB, PSP training packages but only represented in one qualification, the Diploma of Nursing. However, NSW Health is one of the largest employers in NSW. Selection of IRC members seems to be opaque. It requires more transparency and inclusivity.
What can be done to drive greater collaboration across industries to broaden career pathways for VET graduates and maximise the workforce available to employers?
- How can workers be equipped with skills that can be applied across different jobs?
- How can industry support this through the VET system?
- How can we break down silos and improve collaboration across industry groups?
By having more general qualifications and greater use of skill sets or industry specific skills clusters. By selecting IRC members who represent the interest of the whole industry and are keen to engage in wider networking and other IRCs. Provide enough funding and administration support for IRCs to conduct proper cross sector engagement.
Are qualifications fit-for-purpose in meeting the needs of industry and learners now and into the future? Why/why not?
- Are the different needs of industry and learners effectively considered in designing qualifications in the current system? What works well and why?
- Are there issues or challenges with the way qualifications are currently designed? What are they and what could be done to address these?
No. For example, the infection control Unit of Competency (UOC) is part of the Diploma of Nursing, Certificate II in Health Services Assistants and is also in Certificate III in Health Administration. The UOC is more geared toward clinical staff thank administration staff who cannot meet the clinical requirements for bed making. Despite several attempts (for more than four years) to engage with the IRC to provide feedback regarding this, there was no response. This is an indication that the IRC does not have a great understanding of a Health Administration role. The IRCs don’t seem to meet often enough and feedback into the review and/or development of qualifications is often sought from a limited number of people, many of whom are high level managers who are unaware of the knowledge, skills and performance attributes of the roles that lower level qualifications are aimed at.
Are there any further issues in relation to improving industry engagement in the VET sector that you would like to provide feedback on?