Independent Training Package Assurance supporting the Jobs and Skills Councils program

This content was published on Tuesday 11 April 2023. There may be more recent updates available.

Following the decision of the Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council on 9 November 2022, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has now established the independent Training Package Assurance Function (the Assurance Function) to assess training package products that are developed by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs).

To ensure the independence of the Assurance Function from the area within the department that is responsible for managing the JSCs and to reinforce the integrity and separation of training package product development from the assurance process, the Assurance Function is being led by a non-statutory appointed Executive Director. The Executive Director is supported by a Deputy Executive and recruitment is currently underway to establish a suitably experienced assurance team, that will include the procurement of training package specialists, to carry out the assurance functions.

These arrangements will be in place for a limited time, to allow time for the JSCs and Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to become established before a decision is made on where to house the Assurance Function long-term.

For further information about the Assurance Function and how it will provide a consistent and transparent process to reviewing training products to ensure they meet requisite training package standards set by Skills Ministers, visit the Training Assurance Package page.

Further information and updates about the Assurance Function will be released on the DEWR website when available.

For any enquiries contact the Assurance team, email

The Department is confident that comprehensive arrangements to support the Assurance Function will be in place for the commencement of training package development by JSCs.