On this page:

What is the IPS
The Information Publication Scheme (IPS) is established under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). Under the IPS, agencies are required to:
- publish an Agency IPS Plan
- publish specific categories of information (set out below)
- consider proactively publishing other government information.
More information about the IPS can be found on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.
About our agency
What we do
Information about what we do and our strategic priorities can be found on the About Us page.
The Administrative Arrangements Order also specifies the subject matters dealt with, and the legislation administered by, the department.
Who we are
Information about our organisation and structure, as well as statutory appointments can be found on the following pages:
- Our Ministers
- Our executive
- Our organisational chart
- Details of our statutory appointments
- Information about careers with us
Our reports and responses to parliament
Our information tabled in Parliament, or routinely provided to Parliament includes:
- Annual reports
- Responses to senate orders
- Details about agency advertising and public information projects
Routinely requested information and FOI disclosure log
The FOI disclosure log lists information that we have released in response to an FOI access request, subject to certain exceptions.
Public review and consultations
Details of our policy proposal consultation arrangements can be found on our public reviews and consultations page.
Operational information
Operational information is information we hold to assist us to perform or exercise our functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations affecting members of the public. This includes our plans, policies and guidelines relating to those decisions and recommendations.
Our operational information can be found by using the search function on our website.
Contact us
You can contact us about access to information or documents under the FOI Act by sending an email to FOI@dewr.gov.au.
If you have a question or would like to give feedback on any aspect of the IPS or the information published, you can also contact us online, by email, phone or by mail with the details on our contact us page.