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Australian Skills Guarantee information for construction procurements
This page includes information on Australian Skills Guarantee events, resources and links specific to the construction industry.
Australian Skills Guarantee information for ICT procurements
This page provides information on Australian Skills Guarantee events, resources and links specific to the ICT industry.
National Careers Institute Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board guides and supports our strategic direction by providing independent and expert advice when needed, helping us to achieve our purpose and objectives.
Australian Skills Guarantee construction industry webinar - Q&As
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A list of Q&As from the Australian Skills Guarantee construction industry webinar Q&A session.
National Skills Plan
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The National Skills Plan outlines Skills Ministers’ vision for the national vocational education and training system, and the approach to achieving the shared goals of the National Skills Agreement.
Support for former employees of Centennial Coal and other impacted workers
If you need to speak to someone about the impact your retrenchment is having on you and/or your family, reach out to a service listed in the Looking after yourself section below.