Making a complaint about Employment Services and Parent Pathways

This page sets out how to make a complaint about Workforce Australia or the Employment Services and Parent Pathways we deliver.

Your feedback is important and will help us to continually improve our services. If you want to know more about our Employment Services and Parent Pathways complaints process, please read our Employment Services Complaints factsheet.

How to make a complaint

There are a few ways you can make a complaint about Workforce Australia or the Employment Services and Parent Pathways we deliver.

If you're making a complaint on behalf of someone else, make sure you have their permission first.

Online form

The simplest way to provide feedback or make a complaint is to use our online complaints form. It’s easy to use, and available any time. You can remain anonymous if you want to.

Lodge a complaint online


You can call the National Customer Service Line (NCSL) to make a complaint. Read more about the NCSL service guarantee. This phone service is open from 9 am to 7 pm AEDT Monday to Friday. It’s closed on national public holidays.

If you are participating in Employment Services and Parent Pathways, call 1800 805 260

If you are an employer, call the employer hotline on 13 17 15


You can post your complaint to:

The NCSL Manager
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
GPO Box 9828
Canberra ACT 2601

How we’ll handle your complaint

We take each complaint seriously and will treat you with courtesy.

We focus on resolving complaints in line with these 4 principles:

  • Fair - we are focused on outcomes for you. We will investigate complaints fairly, confidentially and with respect.
  • Accessible - you can make a complaint online, over the phone or in writing. We give assistance to support your needs.
  • Efficient - your complaint will be addressed in a timely manner.
  • Transparent - we are open and honest. We will keep you informed, explain our decision and give you a chance to respond.

After we receive your complaint, we’ll contact you to understand your concerns. We’ll keep in contact with you and advise you of the outcome.

We’ll also seek your feedback and give you further options if you’re not happy with the outcome.

If you need help

These services are available if you need help to contact us.

National Relay Service

If you’re deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone, the National Relay Service can help. A Relay Officer can join your call and:

  • change voice to text, or text to voice
  • translate Auslan to English, or English to Auslan
  • stay on the call with you to help.

You can use the National Relay Service to contact to us between 9 am and 7 pm AEDT, Monday to Friday.

To contact the National Relay Service:

Translating and Interpreting Service

To speak with us in your preferred language, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).

You can use TIS National to speak to us between 9 am and 7 pm AEDT, Monday to Friday.

To phone us using an interpreter:

  1. Call TIS National on 13 14 50.
  2. Ask for an interpreter in your preferred language.
  3. Ask TIS National to call us on the number 1800 805 260 for the National Customer Service Line. TIS National will phone us so you and your interpreter can speak to us.

Privacy statement

For information on the department’s privacy policy, you can visit our website or email us.


Privacy - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government.


To contact the department about your personal information email