Participant Pathways Research

The Workforce Australia Participant Pathways Research (2022 – 2026) is part of the Evaluation of Workforce Australia employment services. Participants in Workforce Australia Online or Workforce Australia Services who choose to participate in the research may be asked to complete one survey every six months until 2026 and may also be invited to participate in focus groups and interviews. This research aims to understand participants’ experiences of mainstream employment services and inform the continued development of Workforce Australia policies, programs, and services.

The Workforce Australia Participant Pathways Research is part of the Evaluation of Workforce Australia Employment Services (2022 – 2028). It will:

  • involve more than 8000 employment services participants over four years
  • invite participants to complete a survey and/or interview or focus group every six months until 2026
  • explore participants’ service experience, employment outcomes, and employment situation while in employment services and after they leave
  • assess the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of Workforce Australia Online and Workforce Australia Services.

Who is conducting this research?

The department’s Employment Evaluation Branch has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct this research during 2022 – 2026.

Further information about this research is also available on Wallis’ website.

Who will be involved in this research?

People who have engaged with either Workforce Australia Online or Workforce Australia Services since July 2022 may be invited to participate in this research.

  • The first survey (Wave 1) was conducted between October and December 2022.
  • The second survey (Wave 2) was conducted during April – June 2023.
  • The third survey (Wave 3) was conducted during September – December 2023.
  • The fourth survey (Wave 4) was conducted during March – May 2024.
  • The fifth survey (Wave 5) was conducted during October – December 2024.
  • The sixth survey (Wave 6) is being conducted during March – May 2025. 

The survey can be completed online or by phone.

If you have received an email, SMS or a letter inviting you to be part of this research and want more information, please contact Wallis by:

You can also email the department’s Employment Evaluation Branch at or phone the:

Why is this research being conducted?

The department regularly collects information from people who use or have used employment services to:

  • inform the continuous improvement of current policies, programs, and services
  • contribute to the development and delivery of evidence-based policies, programs, and services
  • meet the statutory requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act).

Why should I be involved in this research?

The department needs your feedback to improve the services they provide and help people like you. We want to know:

  • how employment services are helping or not helping with your employment prospects
  • what is missing from employment services and programs, and
  • what would make employment services better.

Providing effective employment services relies on listening to the people who use the service. So please tell us about your experiences with Workforce Australia Online or Workforce Australia Services and make your voice heard!

Do I have to be involved in this research?

Participation is voluntary, and your decision to be involved (or not) will not affect any government payments and/or services you receive. However, your feedback is important and greatly valued, and can help improve employment services so they better support people to get or keep a job.

What will you do with my feedback?

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. All information you provide is confidential and will be used for research purposes only. You will not be personally identified in any reports.