Points Based Activation System Data

Meeting requirements under the Points Based Activation System (PBAS) is one of the core mutual obligation requirements for clients in Workforce Australia.

On this page:

The Department publishes quarterly data on PBAS reporting periods in Workforce Australia.

The PBAS Public Data Report includes data on:

  • Outcomes of finalised PBAS reporting periods to provide information on who met or failed to meet their points based requirements in Workforce Australia.
  • Credits applied to recognise unique circumstances of the individual as well as labour market conditions.
  • PBAS requirements that clients were set.
  • Tasks and activities that clients submitted to earn points.
  • Breakdowns by month, cohort, and employment region.

Latest release

Previous releases

Please note that an issue was identified with previously released data contained in Table 8: Submissions in Finalised PBAS Reporting Periods by Submission Category. Please disregard any Table 8 data you may have accessed from previous releases and refer to the updated set of PBAS public data.

Future publication schedule

Workforce Australia Points Based Activation System data will be released quarterly.