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Lessons Learned - UK Returners Grant Fund
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This resources provides a summary of the lessons learned from the UK Returners Grant Fund.
UK Returners Grant Fund Evaluation
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In 2018 the UK Government Equalities Office launched a Returners Grant Fund to engage and support returners and employers in the private sector.
UK Return to ICT program evaluation report
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The UK Government Equalities Office funded a pilot program, Return to ICT, to support people looking to return to the Information and communications technology (ICT) sector after taking a career break.
UK Return to Planning program evaluation report
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The UK Government Equalities Office funded a pilot program, Return to Planning, to support people looking to return to the planning sector after taking a career break.
UK Return to Social Work program evaluation report
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The UK Government Equalities Office funded the Return to social work program to support previously registered social workers back into social work.
Local Recovery Fund project successfully gets Hunter Valley locals into hospitality jobs
Innovative projects like Jobs in the Valley and Vines – Transforming Lives are critical to helping job seekers, employers and communities continue to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
VET Student Loans Applicant Guide
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This Guide will assist providers applying to become an approved VET Student Loans provider.
Gifts and Benefits Register: 30 April 2022
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This publication records gifts from the period 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022.
Introduction to the Points Based Activation System for Workforce Australia
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The webinar outlines the objectives of PBAS and the evidence that informed the development and final design of the PBAS framework for Workforce Australia.
Introduction to the Points Based Activation System for Workforce Australia webinar
From 4 July 2022, the Points Based Activation System (PBAS) is being introduced for all participants in Workforce Australia Services and Workforce Australia Online who have mutual obligation requirements.
Webinar presentation for new and continuing providers
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A webinar was recently held to give providers an opportunity to ask questions related to the transition to Workforce Australia.
Webinar presentation for new and continuing providers - Q & A
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This document providers answers to questions that were raised at the webinar for new and continuing providers.
Fact sheet – Checking the status of a BAC or CAC application
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A fact sheet to help ADMS users understand the different statueses that apply to their BAC and CAC wage subsidies
Brand Style Guide for Providers
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This is the May 2022 version of the Workforce Australia Brand Style Guide for Providers.