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ISO 27001 and Right Fit For Risk (RFFR) issues to avoid
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Helps providers avoid missteps the department has seen to date to make accreditation a smooth process
ISO 27001 risk assessment
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Provides a high-level overview of the concept of risk assessment and treatment in an ISO 27001 context
Management of third parties – life cycle
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Explains the stages in the life cycle of third party vendors and highlights what providers should think about when contracting with third parties.
Management of Third Parties - Overview
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Assists Providers identify their third parties, who is responsible for them and determine what impact the security of these entities have on a Provider’s environment.
Right Fit For Risk (RFFR) – Finding the right sponsor
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Details the need to identify an internal sponsor to oversee the implementation of the customised ISO 27001 in all areas of the organisation
Right Fit For Risk (RFFR) government resources
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Outlines the government resources available to assist, understand and address cyber security risks
Using ISO 27001 to meet your RFFR accreditation requirements
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Highlights the differences between an industry standard ISO 27001 and the RFFR requirements
Chief executive certification for the VET Skills campaign
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Certification statement for the VET Skills campaign ‘We, the skilled.’ showing that the Secretary of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment certifies that this campaign complies with the Guidelines on Information and Advertising Ca
Successful organisations for the Request for Proposal for the New Employment Services Model 2022
The Australian Government is transforming the way employment services are being delivered, with the introduction of Workforce Australia.
National Careers Institute Partnership Grants program Round Three projects announced
More than $10 million will be provided to 42 projects in the latest National Careers Institute (NCI) Partnership Grants program.
Accessing ADMS Fact Sheet
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Overview of the process for employers setting up their access to ADMS.
Fact Sheet - One-time set up for ADMS access - Employer
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Overview of the process for employers setting up their access to ADMS.
QRG - How to set up Authorisation Administrators and Authorised Users in RAM
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Describes how to set up an Authorisation Administration and Authorised User in RAM
Utilising soft skills training to enhance work readiness
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This report outlines key findings from a successful trial aimed at improving the soft skills of job seekers through the use of behavioural economics.
Tertiary Access Payment Program Guidelines 2022-2024
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These guidelines provide details of the Tertiary Access Payment administration, eligibility criteria, how to apply and how payments are made.
Employability Skills Training – Participant Factsheet
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The Employability Skills Training program helps you get job ready. You can get practical support to develop your job search skills and workplace skills.