Search Results
VicHealth - (En)countering resistance: Strategies to respond to resistance to gender equality initiatives
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This resource has been developed by VicHealth and draws together some effective tools and strategies to prepare for and respond to backlash and resistance to gender equality initiatives.
3. Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) – Provider monitoring and managing non-compliance
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Providers must ensure participants are meeting their requirements and they must report non-compliance if requirements are not met. Find out more in this module.
4. Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) – Capability reviews
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A capability review is required when a participant accrues a certain number of demerits. Find out more in this module.
New model update for CEO Livestream 10 December 2021
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The department held regular national CEO forums and monthly CEO livestreams to get feedback and provide information related to the (then) new employment services model.
New model update for CEO Livestream 22 February 2022
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The department held regular national CEO forums and monthly CEO livestreams to get feedback and provide information related to the (then) New Employment Services Model.
Evaluation of the Skills Organisations Pilot Program
The Skills Organisations Pilot program was evaluated to explore strengths and weaknesses of the model.
Businesses participating in Career Revive
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This resource provides details of the businesses that have participated in Career Revive.
Accredited Third Party Employment and Skills (TPES) Systems
Many employment and skills service providers (Providers) to the department engage Third Party IT Vendors (Vendors) in the delivery of their services.
Gap analysis versus risk assessment
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Differentiates between the essential activities of performing an ISO 27001 gap analysis and a security risk assessment, when implementing an Information Security Risk Management System