
This page will help you to explore the range of roles and career opportunities in the manufacturing industry, including applying for jobs.

In the manufacturing industry, businesses turn raw materials into finished products, for example:

  • food and drink
  • clothing and shoes
  • furniture and appliances
  • construction materials like steel and cement.

There are entry level jobs in the industry. Bakery product manufacturing and meat product manufacturing are the largest sectors. Meat manufacturing employs more than 8.6% of the industry workers. 1

The Australian manufacturing industry employs 914,500 people. It is the seventh highest employing industry. 2

Visit the Jobs and Skills website to find out more about the manufacturing industry.

Get help to find work, or to hire staff in manufacturing

Source: Jobs and Skills Australia, Labour Market Insights, Manufacturing, Industry Profile Data. Released November 2023, accessed 9 February 2024. – Return to entry level jobs

Source: ABS, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly, seasonally adjusted, February 2024, accessed 28 March 2024.
Source: Jobs and Skills Australia, National Employment Projections, accessed 28 March 2024.
Source: Victoria University, Employment Projects – May 2023 to May 2033, accessed 28 March 2024. – Return to the Australian manufacturing industry