
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Jobs Hub.

Connecting and Collaborating – Digital Skills for Employment


This webinar explores the digital skills required for certain employment opportunities. It also explores the content and structure of the Australian Digital Capability Framework, which focuses on information and data literacy, digital content creation, communication and collaboration, protection and safety, and technical proficiency and problem solving.

Connecting and Collaborating 2 – Digital Skills for Employment.pdf

Connecting and Collaborating – It's all about connecting people with jobs


This webinar details how to connect people with jobs. It explores how Employment Liaison Officers and webinars such as Jobs Showcase can help promote local job opportunities. Guests from National Skills Commission and National Careers Institute shared labour market research and analysis.

Connecting and Collaborating 1 – Its all about connecting people with jobs.pdf

Exploring careers: Not just a piece of paper


Slide presentation used on the webinar Exploring Careers: Not just a piece of paper.

Connecting and Collaborating 3 – Not just a piece of paper.pdf



A presentation of a Jobs Showcase webinar that has been amended for accessibility purposes.

Manufacturing – Presentation.pdf

Apprenticeships and Traineeships


A presentation of a Jobs Showcase webinar that has been amended for accessibility purposes.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships  – Presentation.pdf