Pre-employment and Employment Services complaints factsheet

Fact sheet

We welcome your feedback. You can submit a complaint at any time about Workforce Australia or other pre-employment or employment services programs or your employment services provider. Your complaint will help us improve our services.

How to make a complaint

You can raise a complaint by using one of the below options:


Using our dedicated complaints webform located at Making a Complaint about Employment Services:


National Customer Service Line 1800 805 260

If you are participating in pre-employment or employment services call the National Customer Service Line, open from Monday – Friday 9am to 7pm AEDT

Employer Hotline 13 17 15

If you are an employer, call the hotline, open from Monday – Friday 9am to 7pm AEDT

Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450

If you need an interpreter call and ask to be connected to the National Customer Service Line.

Text Telephone (TTY) on 1800 555 677

If you’re deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone, text TTY or call the National Relay Service on 1800 555 727 and ask to be connected to the National Customer Service Line 1800 805 260.


The National Customer Service Line Manager,
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations,
GPO Box 9828,
Canberra ACT 2601

Our Service Commitment

Our complaints process has the following steps:

  1. Assess and record your complaint - We will prioritise complaints and identify who we need to contact for information to help resolve your complaint.
  2. Acknowledge your complaint - We will contact you to confirm we have your complaint and provide you with a case number.
  3. Investigate your complaint - We will investigate your complaint. We may contact you and others (such as your provider) for further information about your complaint.
  4. Respond to your complaint - We will contact you to advise of the outcome from our investigation.
  5. Review of your complaint - If you are not satisfied with the outcome provided you may seek a review of how your complaint was handled.
  6. Report on complaints - We will use deidentified complaint information to report to the public and any relevant areas within the department, to improve services.

We may need to contact you to confirm your identity if we need to access your personal information. If you are making a complaint for someone else, we may contact you to make sure that you are authorised by that person to speak on their behalf, and to access information that may be needed to manage the complaint.

If you do not have that person’s consent, you can still make a complaint as a member of the public, but we can only provide a general response due to privacy. If you wish to be authorised by that person to speak on their behalf, you can contact the National Customer Service Line 1800 805 260 for information on how to become a nominee for that person.

What you can expect from us

When you make a complaint, we will do our best to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. To help you feel safe and supported to share your views we will be:

Fair- We are focused on outcomes for you. We’ll investigate complaints fairly, confidentially and with respect.

Accessible- You can make a complaint online, over the phone or in writing. We’ll support you with making your complaint, if you want help.

Efficient - Your complaint will be addressed in a timely manner.

Transparent - We are open and honest. We’ll keep you informed, explain our decision and give you a chance to respond.

Requesting a review

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask us for a review.

When to contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman

You can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman after we have closed your complaint 
with us by:

How we manage your privacy

You can visit our privacy page or email us: