Local Recovery Fund

The Local Recovery Fund is available in 51 Employment Regions (regions).

On this page:

The Local Recovery Fund supports locally driven activities that:

  • meet priorities identified in the region’s Local Jobs Plan
  • are tailored to the opportunities and needs identified in the region
  • address employment and training priorities; and
  • skill individuals to meet local employer demand.

Local Recovery Fund activities are usually sought via a Request for Proposal procurement process. If you are interested in developing a Local Recovery Fund proposal, contact your local Employment Facilitator.

To view current and past Local Recovery Fund activities, search the below table using relevant filters. For more information, contact your local Employment Facilitator.


Tech based training

Generation Australia Ltd
Employment Region:
Adelaide North
This activity delivered two online tech programs (Get into Cloud and Junior Web Development) to prepare participants for entry-level roles in the tech industry. Participants received mentoring and career coaching during the training and while transitioning to employment.

The Petersburg Bakehouse

Peterborough Community Enterprises Incorporated Association
Employment Region:
Mid North SA
This project aimed to upskill local youth and unemployed people for work in the food and hospitality industry. It delivered formal hospitality training qualifications and practical experience for 12 participants over a period of up to 9 months.


Employment Options Inc
Employment Region:
Murray and South East
A pre-employment program delivered to prepare participants for employment in the Retail, Tourism and Hospitality sectors. The activity was be delivered in partnership with Murray Bridge Council and the Brinkley ReUse Centre, with the aim for participants to operate a Coffee Lounge and Retail Store at the Centre. participants were also offered accredited training, received mentoring, career guidance and job search assistance. Participants without a driving permit were assisted to gain a Learner's Permit.

WE Care (Fleurieu)

Recruitment Solutions Group Australia
Employment Region:
Adelaide South
The activity offered a suite of events over 10 days across the Fleurieu region with the aim of attracting potential candidates into traineeships in individual support. The activity aimed to achieve a minimum of 20 job placements through traineeships and delivered career and job information sessions.

Working Mind

Positive Future Self
Employment Region:
North West Country
This activity was a pilot project to support long term unemployed participants to address barriers to gaining employment, build resilience, and develop job-ready mind-sets using psychological assessments and education.



Brumby Hill Aboriginal Corporation
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
The activity provides wrap-around support and pre-employment training to support Indigenous participants. The program focusses on building capacity and connecting participants with relevant supports. The organisation collaborates with Employment Services Providers and employers to generate place-based employment solutions and will assist participants to obtain and sustain employment.

Regional Trade Training Program

Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
This activity will offer participants a supportive, industry tailored pathway into trade employment opportunities across four locations in Southern Tasmania. Pre-employment training will be delivered to 48 participants to prepare them for entry-level trade occupations in the Civil Construction Industry.

Technology Careers Preparation Program

Bitlink Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
The activity will engage 60 participants through leveraging their interest in technology, video games and digital content creation. Participants will learn about workplace technology skills, meet with industry professionals in the ICT sector, build portfolio pieces, find out about opportunities in the wider technology sector, and practice critical soft skills such as communication and teamwork.

The Service Industry Essentials Program

Karingal St Laurence
Employment Region:
Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity will support participants with training barriers to develop skills for customer service roles and demonstrate their skills to potential employers. Participants will receive 9 days of practical retail and hospitality training tailored to literacy, numeracy and other barriers, delivered in shopping centres in the region.

Brumby Hill Northwest Regional Mobilisation Project

Brumby Hill Aboriginal Corporation
Employment Region:
North and North Western Tasmania
This activity provided intensive ‘wrap around’ support and pre-employment training to participants in the North West coast of Tasmania. The activity assisted participants to obtain work experience and placements with culturally safe workplaces including education and tailored post-placement support and input from their Employment Services Provider.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for job seekers aged 15 to 24 years in the Illawarra and South Coast region.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for women over 45 back into the workforce in the Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast region, while also filling in-demand roles in the local childcare industry.