Onwards & Upwards Towards a Job
Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation
Employment Region: Brisbane South East
This activity aimed to empower participants with essential skills, employment expectations, and holistic health insights to enhance self-awareness, confidence, and work readiness for their chosen careers. The activity resulted in positive progress for particpants seeking support towards employment and/or training opportunities. Upon completion, some participants have gained employment, and others have commenced further training.
Pathway to Manufacturing and Metals Jobs
Komatsu Training Academy
Employment Region: Wivenhoe
The activity provided participants with industry-specific skillset training designed in consultation with the local metals and manufacturing industries.
Pre-employment Waste Management
Sustainable Learning Australasia Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Gold Coast
The pre-employment training was delivered to support Indigenous Australians, young people and long-term unemployed participants to undertake waste management training with soft skills development for entry level roles in the waste management industry.
Pre-employment Waste Management and Soft skills training
Sustainable Learning Australasia Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Wide Bay Burnett
The pre-employment training was delivered to support Indigenous Australians, young people and long-term unemployed participants to undertake waste management training with soft skills development for entry level roles in the waste management industry.
Pre-employment waste Management training
Sustainable Learning Australasia Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Fitzroy
The pre-employment training was delivered to support Indigenous Australians, young people and long-term unemployed participants to undertake waste management training with soft skills development for entry level roles in the waste management industry.
Rail Career Pathway Program
Energy Skills Queensland Inc
Employment Region: Brisbane South East
A pre-employment program with entry pathways into the rail industry. Participants were reskilled and upskilled into roles through work readiness, rail skills training, on the job work experience, mentoring, job placement support and jobs and apprenticeships. The activity delivered an accredited training to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants into rail employment in the Brisbane South East Employment Region.
Rail Career Pathway Program
Energy Skills Queensland Inc
Employment Region: Darling Downs
This activity involved a pre-employment program with entry pathways into the rail industry. Participants were reskilled and upskilled into roles through work readiness, rail industry skills training, on the job work experience, mentoring, job placement support and jobs and apprenticeships. The activity delivered pre-employment accredited training to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants into rail industry employers in the Darling Downs Employment Region.
Rail Career Pathway Program
Energy Skills Queensland Inc
Employment Region: Fitzroy
This activity involved up to 28 Indigenous Australian or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants completing unaccredited job readiness training, followed by a Certificate III in Rail Infrastructure and work experience to gain paid employment with Fitzroy Employment Region rail industry employers.
RoadReady: Mastering MR/HR Licensing & Proficient Driving Course
Employment Region: Wivenhoe
This activity supported disadvantaged participants, including long-term unemployed, women, and CALD individuals, in obtaining MR/HR truck licences through accredited and non-accredited training, leading to employment in the transport and logistics industry.
RoadReady: Mastering MR/HR Licensing & Proficient Driving Course
Employment Region: Brisbane South East
This activity supported disadvantaged participants, including long-term unemployed, women, and CALD individuals, in obtaining MR/HR truck licences through accredited and non-accredited training, leading to employment in the transport and logistics industry.