Skills Organisations

Three industry-led Skills Organisation Pilots were established to strengthen and enhance the role of industry and employers in the system. Following a successful pilot, the work of the Skills Organisation Pilots will end on 30 June 2023.

The Australian Government has announced the establishment of Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs), and is committed to delivering a collaborative, tripartite VET sector that brings employers, unions and governments together to find solutions to skills and workforce challenges. JSCs are being established to provide industry with a stronger, more strategic voice and greater participation in the skills and training sector. The new JSCs will replace the current industry engagement arrangements which includes 67 Industry Reference Committees (IRCs), six Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) and three Skills Organisations Pilots.

Skills Organisations

Skills Organisations explored potential design, approaches and opportunities to deepen industry engagement and strengthen the VET system.

Enhanced industry involvement in the VET system gives employers the chance to lead strategic thinking on a wide range of workforce and skilling issues including career pathways, how they will recruit people and what is needed for businesses to grow.

The work of Skills Organisations has informed approaches to ensure Australia has a highly skilled, resilient and adaptable workforce that is responsive to the needs of employers and industry.

Skilled organisations

Skills Organisation Pilots

Skills Organisation Pilots were established to test new ways to make the VET system more responsive to the skills needs for 3 selected industries.

This includes identifying skills needs, developing qualifications and improving the quality of training delivery and assessment. The pilots were established in:

person seated at a desk looking at laptop


Find out more about Skills Organisations:

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Government measures to strengthen VET

The VET sector plays a key role in training new skills, as well as transferring or upskilling existing skills, for the jobs of today and tomorrow.