Flexible work options

This resource will help you map your business' current state against a range of factors including those to attract, recruit and retain women.

Flexible work options diagram


Job sharing Dividing a full-time job into multiple job roles, to be undertaken by two or more employees who are paid on a pro-rata basis for the part of the job each completes.
Purchased leave A period of leave without pay, usually available after annual leave allocation is finished. This is deducted from the worker’s salary either as a lump sum or averaged over the year.
Phased retirement The employee and the organisation agree on a schedule to gradually reduce the employee’s full-time work commitments. Their responsibilities may be phased out over a period of months or years.
Unplanned leave Informal access to leave for unanticipated or unplanned events.
Flexible careers The ability to enter, exit and re-enter employment with the same business, or to increase or decrease workload or career pace depending on life stage. This includes career breaks.


Flexible hours of work Vary start and finish times.
Part time Working less than full-time hours, paid on a pro-rata basis.
Compressed working weeks Working the same number of hours, compressed into a shorter period.
Split shifts When a work day is split into two or more parts.
Time-in-lieu Compensation for working overtime, where employees reclaim overtime as time off work.
Annualised hours When an employee works a certain number of hours over the whole year, with a degree of flexibility about when those hours are worked.


Teleworking An employee may choose to work from a place other than the official place of work which is closer to home or closer to a meeting.
Working from home Working from home some or all days of the week.

What is flexible working?


This resource outlines what flexible working is and the range of options.

What is flexible.pdf