ACTIONS: Identifying female role models and opportunities for mentorship

To understand the career paths available to them, women need to hear stories of senior female leaders who have been successful in their field of work.

On this page:

Organisations should provide specific examples of women who have progressed in the workplace and outline the factors that have been instrumental in this success. Research has also found that men pay specific attention to what other men in their organisation do. It is important therefore, that men in the organisation demonstrate inclusive behaviour, reinforcing the priority and benefits of including women.

Mentor programs enable managers to become more aware of the challenges that women face in an organisation, and they encourage honest feedback and forthright discussion. They also support innovative thinking about strategic issues, leadership and changes in cultural practice.

What immediate actions you can implement:

  • Identify a female leader/s that you can showcase to female employees to show what is possible.

What longer term actions you can implement:

  • Develop and trial a reverse mentor program, pairing senior women/men with junior males/females in the business.
    • Ensure mentees are matched with leaders in different business areas, departments and locations across the business, to enable honest conversations and reduce the risk of conflict of interest.
    • Ensure mentors and mentees are supported with structured training prior to commencement to prepare them to structure conversations with mentees/mentors.
    • Conversations will support innovative thinking about strategic issues, leadership and changes in cultural practices in your organisation.
    • Conversations should focus on honest discourse about the barriers preventing men from taking paternity leave and the experiences of female employees in the workplace.

Actions: Identifying female role models and opportunities for mentorship