The challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic meant many workplaces had to quickly adopt working from home practices for their employees. Many workplaces have continued with these types of arrangements even as restrictions have eased, finding that employees are more productive and better supported to manage their work and home lives.
For some employers there are structural challenges to offering flexible work for their employees. For example, for factory and production workers, it may not be possible to provide time and place flexibility.
Flexibility goes beyond just working from home and offering flexible work does not have to be an all or nothing approach. Approaches that suit the circumstances of each organisation, including effective job re-design, can help to support employees and get the best business outcomes.
The Workplace flexibility resource has practical advice for your managers and employees to aid the design and introduction of flexible work that suits your business.
Check out the flexible working arrangements actions resource to identify actions you can take to improve flexibility in your workplace.